Current Event #5
Topic: A ‘blob’ of cold water in the Atlantic is slowing growing and slowing down ocean currents.
Title: Cold Atlantic ‘blob’ puzzles scientists
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Summary: With this past summer being one of the hottest ever recorded, the ice in Greenland in beginning to melt, sending the cold freshwater into the ocean. Normally, the denser, cold saltwater sinks beneath the warmer water, but because there is so much cold freshwater, it is bringing the sinking process to a stop causing cold temperatures to reach a record low in certain areas. This Atlantic blob is the direct opposite of the Pacific blob a few years back, which warmed the Pacific mainly because of El Niño. Scientists say that the new Atlantic blob will cause us no harm.
Reaction: To be honest, this doesn’t affect me. Yes, it affects parts of the country in which I live, but not in my specific area. I hope this doesn’t cause major defects with the planet, such as the major ocean currents, but it shouldn’t cause too much harm. With Greenland’s ice melting, I hope it doesn’t cause much harm for them. Maybe since the temperatures are so low right now because of the cool ocean, ice will begin to freeze again and stop the icy waters from going into the Atlantic.
World Impact: This obviously has a huge impact on the world. Temperatures, vegetation, and everyday life is affected by this drastic climate change in the ocean cooling. The heat and cold temperatures are driven by the transfer of the currents is changing the weather in the atmosphere, helping drive our weather patterns. With about 99% of the Earth’s freshwater in Antarctica and Greenland, the melting of the ice sheets in Greenland flowing into the ocean could potentially pose a threat to humanity in that area. As of now, it shows as no trouble, and hopefully, it stays that way.