Passing Away
As soon as I got out of school for the break, I went to go see my grandma. She just got out of the hospital for having gallstones, a sickness you can get in your gallbladder. She wasn’t doing so well after she got out, so she had to have some tests done. The doctor said that she had cancer, and that was what had caused the gallstones. He predicted that my grandma only had three weeks to live. All of the family soon knew, and relatives started coming in from out of town. The three weeks quickly turned into three days. I went to see her the first day and the second day. Later in the evening of the second day, I asked my dad if we would be able to see her on Wednesday. He said that we probably would, but the next day when he came home from work, he told me she was gone. I was really sad, but happy in a way because she wouldn’t have to suffer anymore. The following days were hard, but with family and friends of family around me, I started to feel better. As the days past, I began to become myself again. We soon said goodbye to everybody and everything was back to normal, except that I no longer had my grandma.