The Little Cafe

The Little Cafe

I can now see the cafe;
smell the homemade meals,
and somehow, already, taste the food.

We drank sweet tea and soda out of mason jars,
while we ate off of plates unique in every way.

I spy ranchers, hunters, and even a sheriff!
Our waiter was nice, and so were the locals.

I never want to leave this little cafe,
but soon we leave, we’re going away.

– Aubrey

The Big Wave

The Big Wave

 The hot sand burned my feet as I ran down to the beach. Almost everyone I came with was already down there. I see my Dad up ahead carrying the paddle board. I already knew it was going to be a great day!
As I am running into the water, I see my uncle and my two cousins with their surf board out in the water. Now here comes my dad. He told me that today we are going to be surfing. Of course I was excited, but I was also nervous. I guess I was the last person to ask to go, but my turn finally came!
It seemed that all of the big waves to surf on died down. But to soon there was a huge wave! At first I didn’t want to go. Thank goodness that my Dad was there to encourage me! It was coming closer and all of a sudden, my Dad shoves the paddle board forward! I am sitting on the board as the big wave comes. I soon am on my knees. I was to scared to stand up all the way, but it still felt great! My legs were shaking crazily, but I ignored them and just enjoyed the ride. Soon my legs stopped shaking, and unfortunately, the ride stopped too.
It was one of my most memorable moments I have ever had, and I know for sure that the next time we go to any ocean, I am defiantly going to ask if we can go surfing!